Savia-Social Studies
This book has thirteen chapters distributed intofour units organized by topic: self, friends and family,community, and nature. The book sections and theirobjectives are presented below...
This book has twelve chapters distributed intothree units organized by topic: The Communitiesaround Us; The Culture and History of OurCommunities; and Communities, Organized andConnected with the World. The book sections andtheir objectives are presented below ...
This book has fifteen chapters distributedinto five units organized by topic: Living ina Community; Colonial Puerto Rico; OurAncestors; Exploring Our Planet; Connectingwith Puerto Rico. The book sections and theirobjectives are presented below...
This book has fifteen chapters distributedinto five units organized by topic: geography, thelandscape and natural resources, and the mostrelevant historic events in Puerto Rico. The booksections and their objectives are presented below..
This book has fifteen chapters distributed intofour units organized by topic: social studies andgeography, the earliest inhabitants, the conquestand colonization process, and the independencemovements. The book sections and their objectivesare presented below.Chapter Opening..
This book has thirteen chapters distributed into threeunits: The World and Its Inhabitants; Prehistory andthe First Civilizations; From the Classical to a ModernWorld. It also has three appendixes that present themost trascendental topics on the international level,from the 16th century to the prese..